

Our Monthly Meet & Greet will be held on the first Sunday of the month after the 8:30 a.m. Mass at ICC during hospitality (coffee & doughnuts in the gym).

Interested moms will have the opportunity to meet some of us in person, ask questions, share ideas, exchange contact information, and find out what’s happening when and where.

Your family is welcome to join us or hang out during hospitality while we briefly meet.


Our goal is to meet twice a month with members rotating hosting. Our Playgroup structure is flexible, and it can be whatever we want it to be—a playgroup meeting in a member’s home, at the park, library story time, an organized field trip, etc.

We understand that everyone’s schedule is different. If you cannot attend a playgroup, please consider hosting one at a time that works for you. Just let us know when and where!


Please see the Calendar for a list of upcoming events.