Category Archives: Service

How can we help ALL mothers?

Whenever I read an article like this one, I tell myself that I need to stop reading the news, reminding myself how it wreaks havoc on my peace of mind. I was, of course, horrified and disgusted when I read about mothers abusing their own children. My thoughts immediately turned to prayer for those young, innocent victims. But then my thoughts turned to their mothers, and I posted the following plea in our Facebook Group:

Please, if you read this article, or even just the title, please take a moment to pray for mothers everywhere, that they will be enlightened, strengthened, and guided by the Holy Spirit to always do what is best for their children, to always care for them with love and respect, to seek counsel or aid if necessary, and that someone will always be there to help if needed. Thank you.

Mamas, now I’m asking you, what can we do to help them? How can we help ALL mothers, and in turn, their children? What can we do to ensure that one day there are no more stories like this to report or read?

Such a tall order, right? But what can we do in our own, little way? There must be some small way we can help. Maybe we can take turns writing short, prayer intentions that we can adopt weekly or monthly and pledge to pray each day when we have a moment. Maybe we can figure out some small sacrifice to offer up as a group…

What do you think? Please share your ideas and thoughts in the Comments section below. Hopefully we’ll get enough feedback to come up with a way to lift up our sister-mamas in the Body of Christ.

Thank you, Mamas. May Our Lord bless you and your families today and always.

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